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26 to 30 December / 7-8 & 14-15 January
  • Season


  • Duration


  • Rate

    €8 children, €12 adults


    10 €

  • Schedule

    18 h (dg 12 h)

  • Room

BACK ÀBAC is the title of the new show by Àngels Margarit / MUDANCES company; a title that refers to the elements brought into play as the starting point of the piece: the infinite, numbers, the music of Bach. BACK ÀBAC is a show under construction that aims to work with dance and circus artists on the idea of infinity. To do so, it uses Bach’s music as a sound map and universe to weave a sensual, visual choreography inspired by mathematics, with bodies that move in an extraordinary way or that make any movement seem extraordinary in this dance routine by Àngels Margarit.

Àngels Margarit founded the MUDANCES company in 1985, which takes its name from the first show Mudances. Right from the start the company won important international acclaim and its pieces have been co-produced and presented at festivals and on programmes all over the world. Margarit has developed a very personal style, based on her own research into language and poetics and her fascination with space, an essential component of her work. This has been developed through different fields and formats including projects for the stage and urban spaces, improvisation, video dance, installations and research into new media. She has been well known internationally since her beginnings, becoming an indisputable leading figure on the Spanish dance scene. With shows such as Kolbebasar, Atzavara, Solo per a habitació d’hotel, Corol·la, Tèrbola, L’edat de la paciència o Larandland, she has won numerous national and international prizes, such as the Bagnolet Choreography Competition (France, 1988), the National Dance Awards of Catalonia (1986, 1991, 1999) and the City of Barcelona Award for the Performing Arts (1993). From 2003 to 2007 she promoted and programmed the Tensdansa international dance festival in Terrassa.

Direction and choreography Àngels Margarit / Creation and performance Team yet to be selected from among the laboratory participants / Laboratory participants Eneko Alcaraz, Dory Sánchez, Fátima Campos,  Mireia de Querol, Miquel Fiol, Joan Palau, José Luis Redondo, Celso Pereira, Francesca Lissia, Jorge Albuerne, Sergio Pla, Manel Salas / Music different interpretations of JS Bach/ Music edition Pep Pascual / Scientific advice Irene Lapuente, La mandarina de Newton / Lighting Cube.bz / Stage design Àngels Margarit / Costumes Ariadna Papió /   Sound and video technician Marc Ases / Video documentation Núria Font / Photography Carme Masiá, Ros Ribas, Cristina Inocencio / Production  Elclimamola / Dissemination Iva Horvat – Agente 129 / Accounts Begonya Companyon / Administration and coordination Mariona Castells
Àngels Margarit – Cia MUDANCES / Co-production Mercat de les Flors, Graner art factory/ With the collaboration of Can Gassol, Mataró City Council


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