12 €
10 €
18:30 h a 20:45 h
The starting point and title of this piece is Andrei Tarkovsky’s film from 1966, in which the iconoclastic painter Andrei Rublev (1360-1427) takes a long journey through medieval Russia to paint the frescoes of the Cathedral of the Assumption in the Kremlin.
La Societat Doctor Alonso, directed by Tomas Aragay (Theater director and dramaturg) and Sofia Asencio ( dancer and choreographer) has constructed a language which has found one of its key factors in the concept of movement by placing anything outside of its place, area or ‘own space’ in order to investigate how this movement modifies language with respect to both its constituent grammar as well as with respect to the reading made by an observer. This involves moving in order to reveal something.
This action of movement has shown itself to be an efficient tool for creating areas of poetic discourse which question our ‘standardised’ understanding of reality.
Direction Tomàs Aragay / Dramaturgy Sofia Asencio / Creation and performance Sofia Asencio, Nazario Díaz / With the collaboration to the creation Virginia García del Pino, directora de cinema / Executive production Imma Bové / Distribution Sara Serrano
This show is part of the Societat Doctor Alonso Constellation
PACK CONSTELLATION SOCIETAT DOCTOR ALONSO: 40% discount for at leats 2 constellation shows.