With Ester Vendrell Sales (graduated in Contemporary Dance and Choreography, and PhD in Art History). Lead by Clàudia Brufau, coordinates ExplicaDansa.
During this season, these sessions will have simultaneous translation in Catalan Sign Language (CSL).
Tickets available for the November 30 show at Temporada Alta website (sold out)
75 minutes
30 €
10 €
8.30 pm
Age of Content questions our physical and emotional responses to the abundance of content and simultaneous realities of our time. From an initial cross through the reverse fourth wall, characters find their way to different layers of reality starting with a fight against other selves. Throughout the show, the scenography acts as a portal from which emerges parallel universes crossed by individuals who clash, fight, defend, escape, embrace, desire, love, celebrate together. The dancers’ movements borrow from digital aesthetics combining simulated bodies and hypersensuality, from the uncanny familiarity of video-game avatars to Onlyfan aesthetics to viral Tik Tok moves. The choreographic compositions of these diffracted movements are confronted to the space of the stage where patterns from jazz and post modern dance but also musicals are enacted and intertwined to create a doom-scroll effect.
(LA)HORDE, collective of choreographers and visual artists, took on the direction of the Ballet national de Marseille in 2019. It has always developed a collaborative project with several online communities that has given rise to several multidisciplinary and cross-community creations. (LA)HORDE interrogates the political component of dance and maps diverse choreographic forms of popular uprising, transitioning from raves to traditional dances, as well as jumpstyle. Their exploration of the new dynamics of circulation and representation of dance and body that develop online led them to work on the concept of «post-internet dances». By diversifying formats, (LA)HORDE questions the almost infinite serendipity that this new territory provides and proposes multiple perspectives on the uprisings of the communities with whom they work in a heterarchical way.
Artistic concept and direction (LA)HORDE — Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer, Arthur Harel / Choreography (LA)HORDE in collaboration with the dancers and rehearsal coaches of the Ballet national de Marseille / Artistic collaborators choreography Valentina Pace, Jacquelyn Elder, Angel Martinez Hernandez, Julien Monty / With the dancers of the Ballet national de Marseille Nina-Laura Auerbach, Alida Bergakker, João Castro, Titouan Crozier, Myrto Georgiadi, Nathan Gombert, Eddie Hookham, Nonoka Kato, Yoshiko Kinoshita, Amy Lim, Jonatan Myhre Jørgensen, Dana Pajarillaga, Aya Sato, Elena Valls Garcia, Nahimana Vandenbussche, Antoine Vander Linden, Luca Völkel / Escenografía Julien Peissel / Música Pierre Avia, Gabber Eleganza, Philip Glass / Stage design Julien Peissel / Music Pierre Avia, Gabber Eleganza, Philip Glass
Production Ballet national de Marseille / Coproduction MC2 Maison de la Culture de Grenoble, scène nationale – Biennale de la danse de Lyon 2023 – International Summerfestival Kampnagel, Hambourg – Théâtre de la Ville-Paris – Théâtre du Châtelet – Créteil-Maison des arts, scène nationale – Maison de la culture, scène nationale d’Amiens – La Comédie, scène nationale de Clermont-Ferrand – L’Équinoxe, scène nationale de Châteauroux – Charleroi Danse, centre chorégraphique de Wallonie, en partenariat avec le Palais des Beaux-Arts, Charleroi – Grand Théâtre de Provence – Espace des Arts, scène nationale de Chalon-sur-Saône – Opéra de Dijon – Teatro Rivoli de Porto / With the support Dance Reflections by Van Cleef & Arpels / In partnership with DIESEL / Residencies hosts MC2 Maison de la Culture de Grenoble, scène nationale et International Summerfestival Kampnagel, Hambourg. Avec le soutien de Lieux Publics-CNAREP (centre national des arts de la rue et de l’espace public) et pôle européen de production, et le soutien de la Cité des arts de la rue
The CCN Ballet national de Marseille – direction (LA)HORDE receives the support of DRAC PACA, Ministère de la Culture, Ville de Marseille and BNP-Paribas Foundation.
/ Lighting design Eric Wurtz / Costume stylist Salomé Poloudenny / Hair direction Charlie Le Mindu / Backdrop visual Frederik Heyman / Artistic assistant Nadia El Hakim / Stage design technical advisers Rémi d’Apolito, Julien Parra / Sound engineer Jonathan Cesaroni / Light assistants Gaspard Juan, Vincent Ribes / Costume assistants Nicole Murru, Sandra Pomponio, Minok Terre / Hair assistant Sky Flores / Stunt coaching and advise Stunt Workshop International – Amedeo Cazzella, Alex Vu, Malik Diouf, Yann Brouet, Jonathan Bernard, Patrick Tang / Vocal coaching Deborah Bookbinder / Research and documentation Laure Bruno, Timothée Engasser / Stage constructions les sateliers de la MC2 : Maison de la Culture de Grenoble scène Nationale, Sud Side les ateliers spectaculaires/Marseille, Atelier Contrevent, Soudure Duret / With the participation Julien Parra, Dimitri Bovas, Théophile Eschenauer, Christophe Lanes, Sébastien Mathé, Milan Petrucci, Kostia Pozniakoff / Low rider programming Luís Parra / Decoration Cristian Zurita / Stage manager Rémi D’Apolito
Special thanks to the permanent and intermittent team of the Ballet national de Marseille
With Ester Vendrell Sales (graduated in Contemporary Dance and Choreography, and PhD in Art History). Lead by Clàudia Brufau, coordinates ExplicaDansa.
During this season, these sessions will have simultaneous translation in Catalan Sign Language (CSL).
Tickets available for the November 30 show at Temporada Alta website (sold out)