60 minutes
16 €
10 €
19 h
“We were very affected at the time by a series of corrective rapes against black lesbian women in South Africa. The idea of the seven deadly sins arose repeatedly, even though neither of us is Christian. Fortunately, Khoza belongs to a new generation of South Africans who represent hope to me. They understand what apartheid is and they want to go further.”
Robyn Orlin is known for the constant irritation caused by her pieces. Received the most important award conferred by France for merit in Arts. For 30 years, she has transformed the boundaries between performing arts and dance. Albert Ibokwe Khoza has been a transgressive South African actor, singer, dancer and choreographer from his beginnings, influenced by African dancers such as Robyn Orlin, Athena Mazarakis, Mandla Mbothwe, Gregory Maqoma, Gerard Bester and Nhalanhla Mahlangu. For him, theater, dance and art in general are weapons that remind, strike, inflict, raise awareness and bring about change.
A proposal by Robyn Orlin / Dancer Albert Silindokuhle Ibokwe Khoza / Production City Theater & Dance Group i Damien Valette Prod /Acknowledgments Philippe Lainé, per l’ús d’imatges, and team Léopard Frock
Coproducció City Theater & Dance Group, Festival Montpellier Danse 2016, Festival d’Automne à Paris, Kinneksbond, Centre Culturel Mamer (Luxemburg), Centre Dramatique National de Haute-Normandie and La Ferme du Buisson, scène Nationale de Marne-la-Vallée / With support Arcadi Ile-de-France