Només queden 17 places!
25 minutes
January 24 & 25 (7.30 pm), January 26 (5 pm)
January 24, 25 and 26
In Supermedium expanded, three of the dancers from Supermedium will share, in an informal performative conference format, some of the resources they use during the performance: dance notations, choreographies, choreographers, dancers, steps, styles, techniques and movement practices that are part of the performers’ affective-body archive.
Fri. 24 January with Aina Lanas (urban, social, traditional dance) / 7.30 pm
Sat. 25 January with Mabel Olea (speculative/fantasy dance, dance on social media) / 7.30 pm
Sun. 26 January with Clara Tena (conceptual, Catalan dance ) / 5 pm