12 €
The starting point and inspiration for The Hot One Hundred Choreographers was the work of the Scottish artist Peter Davies, who made a list of one hundred artists and pieces on a multicolour screen entitled “The Hot …”. Cristian Duarte has shifted this procedure to his choreographic environment and “devoured” many of the dance icons, choreographers and pieces that have inspired him. HOT 100 is bursting with references, ranging from classical music to pop, and deployed onstage not in narrative or illustrative form but as the “experience of the choreographic set” of personal references that Duarte has accumulated during his dance career. “Rather than a representation of choreographic fragments by other artists, this piece is a compilation of the trends that influence me. My goal is to foster a choreographic experience. Revealing how the moving body negotiates with its own repertoire and memory. It is also an open invitation to the public to accompany me, activating their memories and perceptions of the history of dance and movement. I’m more interested in the gaps, distortions, transformations and impossibilities of this game”, says Duarte. The project also includes a website featuring the one hundred choreographers and pieces appearing in this production. The list displayed on the website is given the same conceptual treatment as in the proposed choreography.
Presentació personal
Interessado pelo minimalismo na dança, tenho abordando movimento e coreografia como um campo sensorial capaz de manifestar uma dramaturgia tátil orientada pela modulação incessante da percepção e do afeto. Meu modo investigativo de criação e produção apoia o trânsito entre diferentes áreas do conhecimento, e convida diferentes artistas e profissionais técnicos para participar de uma rede colaborativa de acordo com a especificidade de cada projeto. Desde 2011 desenvolvo a residência artística Lote em São Paulo – uma iniciativa que visa incentivar práticas de trabalho compartilhado e a experimentação em dança, que tem sido cosmo fundamental para a continuidade da minha ação coreográfica.
Creation and interpretation Cristian Duarte / With the collaboration in the creation Rodrigo Andreolli / Disseny llums André Boll / Sound editing Tom Monteiro / With the collaboration Bruno Freire, Julia Rocha, Tarina Quelho / Costume design Cristian Duarte / Art design Cristian Duarte, Rodrigo Andreolli / Programming and web design Roberto Winter / Photography Carolina Mendonça
With the support Artist Faculty program at School of Dance – Herberger Institute at Arizona State University / USA, Simon Dove, Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, Valéria Cano Bravi, PUC-SP – Artes do Corpo, Rosa Hércoles, Peter Davies and more than hundreds of choreographers
Winner in the category of best dance piece by APCA (São Paulo Art Critics Assossiation) in 2011, was originally produced by Cultura Inglesa Festival in its 15th edition in the same year