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THIS IS NOT (an act of love & resistance)

5 & 7 October
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  • Recommended age: since 12 years old

    UNA HORA ABANS: Saturday October 7 with Aina Alegre and BdDansa_Explicadansa

    Aina Alegre is an associated artist of Mercat de les Flors 2022 and 2023

Musical and choreographic piece for nine female performers: four brass instrumentalists and five dancers. Together they invoke different imaginaries around the air, through dance, music and the rhythm of the word. How is energy generated through this element and what is it to breathe together today? The performers move in the same way as the air moves and repeat in the same way as breaths repeat.

Aina Alegre, dancer, performer and choreographer, is interested in choreographic creation as a terrain for “re-imagining” the body. She explores different body cultures and practices, understood as social, historical and anthropological representations. Fiction as a genre and cultural practice also nourishes her work. She constructs choreographic objects from different media: stage pieces, performances, videos. Her work has been performed in several countries, including Spain, France, Greece, Belgium, Switzerland, Peru, Germany, Italy and Romania.  Since January 2023, Alegre has been directing the Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble, in tandem with performer Yannick Hugron.

Concept and artístic direction Aina Alegre / With Maria Astallé, Maria Cofan, Cosima Grand, Hanna Hedman, Kotomi Nishiwaki, Maria Puertas, Gwendal Raymond, Julia Soler, Asha Thomas / Light design Jan Fedinger / Electroacustic musical composition Josep Tutusaus / Design sound space Vanessa Court / Costume concept Andrea Otin / Artistic accompaniment and dramaturgy Quim Bigas / Artistic assistants  Yannick Hugron i Aniol Busquets / General direction  Juliette Rudent-Gili / Sound director Guillaume Olmeta / Light director Roberto Baldinelli / Musics Better Future Blues d’Enric Alegre i Liberty Funeral March de Liberty Brass Band / Diffusion Colette Siri / Creation production Claire Nollez, Romain Courault, Clémence Padou / Special thanks Enric Alegre, whose theme Better Future Blues has accompanied the creation from beginning to end, to Pere Jou and Elsa Dumontel, December Dance (Cultuurcentrum and Concertgebouw Brugge), Bèlgica; Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona (artista associada 2022 & 2023); Festival Grec, Barcelona; La Rose des Vents, Scène nationale Lille Métropole Villeneuve d’Ascq; le Manège scène nationale de Maubeuge; La Place de la Danse CDCN Toulouse Occitanie; La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne; Théâtre et cinéma de Choisy-le-Roi Scène conventionnée; Theater Freiburg, Allemagne; Fonds Transfabrik – Fonds franco-allemand pour le spectacle vivant; Atelier de Paris – CDCN / With the support Mécénat de la Caisse des Dépôts; DRAC Île-de-France; Département du Val de Marne; la Région Île-de-France; Adami, organisme de gestió col·lectiva dels drets dels artistes-intèrprets: gestió de drets, assistència financera per a projectes, incidència i suport professional; fons de música incidental SACD; Angers CNDC
The Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble is financed by Drac Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes / Ministère de la culture et de la communication, la Région Auvergne – Rhône-Alpes, le Département de l’Isère, Grenoble-Alpes Métropole