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Movement and sound appear simultaneously, their connection rooted in the moment the body makes a sound as it moves or even in the absence of movement, with our hearts sounding the very first drumbeat, and perhaps that is why music leads us to dance. The proximity between one expression and the other is, however, not bound by cause and effect, with the potential to develop in a variety of ways, including in parallel, without ever coming into contact.

The Cos de So series focuses on experimentation at the other end of the spectrum, with works of physical sonority, that is, in which the body is able to serve as an instrument or activate an instrument through physical experimentation. The body can, as in the case of Park Keito, also be architectural, or, as for Oscar Bueno, serve as an entire landscape. In the case of Anna Fontanet, digital mediation gives form to the relationship between body and sound that delves into autobiographical aspects and generates new rhythms.

Cos de So Pack – Buy it here.