Ofertes de treball i altres convocatòries

2025 Creative Grants Graner Application Form - Type B: Creation

Application Form

* Required Fields

1. Specify if you are natural person or legal entity

2. Languages

In the interlocution for the processing of the candidacy for the grant I can use the following languages:

3. Applicant personal data

Indicate where you primarily develop your professional career:

The email address will be the one used for notifications.

In the event that the applicant represents a group, it will be necessary to complete the section 4. In any case the grant will be fully screwed in the name of the applicant.

In the event that the application is on behalf of a legal person, the following must be indicated:

4. Only for non-legal entity groups

As a non-legal entity group, the applicant requesting this form is chosen as a representative of the group and as a beneficiary of the grant, after compliance with the requirements of the call.

5. The Project

6. Attached documentation

URL links to previous works (3 maximum)

7. Statement of compliance

The undersigned declares

8. I can prove when it will be necessary